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Winter news


It's a cold and dreary January as we enter lockdown 3.0 - yet our community is vibrant as ever. We were so pleased to be able to run the Pumpkin Carving competition at Halloween and in December we started a new tradition: the Hascombe Village Christmas Tree. Generously funded by the Parish Council, we had a village tree decorating day on the 6th December where villagers could hang a decoration. Many of them were made by hand and the lights and the beautiful tree have been an absolute joy.

Our virtual coffee mornings have started again and will run until Easter 2021. We hope that one day we can run these in person! And our NEW virtual book club starts on Wednesday 13th January at 7.30 pm - all details can be found on our events page. We are busy behind the scenes planning a range of events, some of which we hope to be able to run in person as soon as it's possible. Stay warm!



We are a voluntary community group. Do let us know if you want to get involved with any of our events - we always need extra hands!

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© 2020 Friends of Hascombe

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